Friday, December 3, 2010

Wonderful snacks! Our children eat a wonderful variety of foods, thanks to the amazing participation by all of our parents. Here we're having all organic cheddar bunnies, mozzarella cheese sticks, and sliced apples. Typical for our morning snack. The kids and I calculated it one day, we actually eat every two hours. It may be a little too often, but we sure do burn it all off when we go outdoors. Our kids work their minds and their bodies every single day. :)
Thanksgiving Indians??? Being of Native American heritage, I could help but share the story of the first Americans who lived on this beautiful land we call home. Maryland is literally where part of my family is originally from. The kids enjoyed getting an Indian name. Owen Two Feathers was voted the best.
Early reading is typical of Montessori students. Because we allow students to learn how their brain naturally works, there is no struggle to inspire children. Here, Maddy E. is enjoying the wonderful folktale we've read almost 1000 times. Throughout the day we read to children during work period when they ask. Every day at 1 p.m. students get out their nap mats, look at books on their own for a 1/2 hour and then we read to them for another 1/2 hour. EVERY DAY. It's a wonderful way to immerse children into reading.
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