Monday, July 20, 2009

The almost famous triplets (Kendall, Elijah, and Owen) have moved into the toddlers room and are learning all kinds of new activities. Here they all are sleeping peacefully during nap time. They are enjoying their new found freedom in the larger, more spacious classroom and love being immersed in vocabulary building activities, gross motor skill activities, and life skills.

Here Owen and Kendall have a "ball" in the turtle outside on our deck. We spend so much time outside during out day. After the three hour work period, the 3-6 classroom always goes outside and takes over the back yard. The little ones can come out any time during the day since their work period is so much shorter. Usually the 18 mos. - two and 1/2 year olds typically can only handle a 1 hour work period in the beginning. Their most intense concentration is always in the mornings, much like most of the children.

The sky fort has been the summer project for us at Sacred Meadow. I want to take this opportunity to thank Mike & Agnes, Keith, Ethan, Reed, Ms. Amelia, and Justin who helped get this project going and really helped me through the process. We're 90 percent finished, and the children love it. I was thankful the inspector approved all of it and agreed that it adds a wonderful dimension to the grounds at our school. The children really enjoy playing on it.

Here some of the children are utilizing the slide - definitely the most used piece of equipment on the sky fort. Originally it was supposed to be where the climbing wall is, but I flipped them thinking it would be safer for the children. Ironically, I was tested on that theory before we even allowed the school children to play on it, as Reed decided to fly off the monkey bars one afternoon as we were working on the playground. He gave us a big scare, but I am glad I have the sliding board on the protected side of the playground where children can stand in line without getting in the way of the monkey bars or climbing wall.
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