Monday, October 5, 2009

Babe is a precision builder. Here you can see he is ligning up his blocks and creating a wonderful building. Our Montessori blocks are of differing sizes and shapes. Children work hard at their creations and always have a work mat to dillinate space from others. This helps children tremendously with respecting each other's work space and keeping the activities contained.

It's snack time in the triplets room! Here the triplets are enjoying some blueberry bagel. As you can see they are eating off of regular plates. They also are now taking their plate to the bus pan after they finish eating. Kendall is very helpful to her brothers who are more absorbed with their own things. It is a very special gift to be able to observe the triplets grow and develop their own like and dislikes. They are so interesting to watch and alot of fun to be around.

Check out the ham of the class ~ is that Ms. Amelia or Brody? You decide. Life is good in the toddler's class.

Here's another picture of Babe who is allowing Matt to be his assistant builder. That day was so amazing. These boys worked for 1 hour and 23 minutes on their building. Never a break, never a distraction. It was really cool. Team work, cooperation, problem solving, a little architectural design. What else could you ask for?
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