Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cooper really enjoys the island activity. Children build an island and place animals in their proper habitat. The shark lives in the water, and the elephant lives on land.

Here the crew is after getting back from a walking field trip to the Accident Town Library. They learned about a Great Horned Owl and other animals that we should respect in nature, not kill. Afterwards, the children got to make their own owls. Needless to say, ours were very colorful.

Aaaah, the garden. Even though we didn't have a lot of time to prepare the soil in our gardens, they have come along beautifully this year. The children love eating sweet peas, carrots, cherry tomatoes, chives, and we even made a rhubarb pie from the rhubarb early this summer.

Rylie, Grace, and Adrienne hunt for more green beans. The green bean tipi is a wonderful way to grow green beans because their easier to pick for the little ones.
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